
report for week 21/10 - 28/10

LEFEBVRE Matthieu? (2014-10-26 (日) 22:46:02)

I reformed the entire art style of the game for the second time. Taking inspiration from japanese traditionnal painting and inllustration such as ukiyo-e and chinese drawing : sui boku ga.

Bibliography update

LEFEBVRE Matthieu? (2014-10-20 (月) 21:26:58)

The different colors of the formentionned artworks did not reach my expectations. Therefore, i'll drop colored artworks and focus on sketch artwork and work on colors directly for the ingame textures.
Bibliography for the project was expanded.

report for week 07/10 - 14/10

LEFEBVRE Matthieu? (2014-10-13 (月) 20:26:15)

Research on the design of the game were made in the form of a bibliography, concept art for the game are started and i hope to complete them for next week (21/10).

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